Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here I come...

Hello everyone!
I wanted to write and let you all know that I had my 9 month check-up and It was fine. I am pretty tall for my age-in the 75 percentile, but a little skinny-20 percentile for my weight. And, my head size is average-50 percentile. So, my mom has been trying to fatten me up with a bit of formula since my appointment last Friday. I like the formula! I also eat so many foods now. I actually had a bit of turkey hot dog for the first time tonight. I thought that was delicious! I have figured out that we have stairs in this house of mine...they are all wood and big. I can crawl all the way to the top! My bedroom is up there-it is so much fun to climb the stairs to my room. I also learned to walk around the furniture or along a wall and I can now walk behind my wooden cart that I have. I load it up with my baby and my kitty and away we go...I hope everyone is doing well. Happy fall! Enjoy! CMF


Kaminsky said...

Hi Cahal! (and Rachel and Timmy!)
there is nothing cuter than babies in stripes,
except babies in polka dots,
put it together,
that's one handsome Finch!
and don't worry, Cahal,
Miss Y'all, and can't wait to see you and halloween, just around the corner,
Your First Trick or Treat!
love and smiles-
s/m kaminskys'

Kaminsky said...

uh oh,
I don't type as fast as my brain works, (what's up with THAT)
think I hit delete instead of next.....
don't worry Cahal,
was followed by,
your mamma is in the lower percentile of weight, and she looks great, so keep growing taller,and enjoy the extra formula,
and I look forward to seeing you soon!