We took an evening bike ride up the street to the parking lot. I rode my tricycle and my dad was on his fancy white bike. My mom was in charge of the camera. But I did steal the camera for a minute, and take a pic of my mama. :) We are still enjoying the mild, lovely weather. Come to Charleston and visit me! Peace and love. Cahal
We had a fun party at school for Halloween. Lots of sweet treats(we are never allowed to have those at school), games, face painting, songs etc. Everyone came to school dressed up! My mom came with me and she made witch finger cookies with almond finger nails and popcorn balls with candy corn in them. Yummy! I LOVE candy corn. I wore my full Batman costume walking to school...everyone LOVED seeing Batman at 9 am! Before we left for school we dressed Ruby in her daisy costume...she was thrilled!
We went out to our old neighborhood on Johns Island. The neighborhood does it up for Halloween...games, hay rides, decorations. It was so much fun. I went trick-or-treating with all of my friends while the parents walked, talked and enjoyed a beverage. I was Batman for Halloween! I got tons of candy, and have not had a piece since Halloween night. I haven't even asked for it! So funny! I think I must have eaten 6 pieces after trick-or-treating. I have already been thinking of what I want to be for Halloween next year!
I did not want to make any scary faces, ONLY happy pumpkins. I'm a bit scared of all of the 'scary' Halloween decorations and that is only because my mom and I were in Lowe's and I got scared to death by the motion censored 6 ft tall stand up monster that made crazy noises at me when I walked by. I started to scream and cry! We had fun carving- my dad is so good at that! The weather was hot, and the pumpkins got moldy a few days after, but great anyway. One of my pumpkins I just decorated with Halloween stickers. Happy Monday to y'all! XO