Pics of me. There are 4 are from Cici and Poppy's house. Chloe and I had an egg hunt there. The other one is from me on Easter morning at my house. More pics below. Trying to catch up. :) has been a very long time. Sorry! We have moved. We sold our house on Johns Island and are now living on Seabrook Island for the summer. It took me a week or so to get used to my new house, but now I love it! I am getting SOOO big. I have been swimming a lot this summer. I like to swim in the pool better than the ocean, but love the beach for building sandcastles. I love Handy Manny and Bob the Builder. My dad and I went to see Bob live and it was awesome. I love to play with my trucks and tools. I continue to help do 'jobs' around the house all the time. I just got a new red, retro tricycle and I am trying to learn how to pedal. I still love to go on my bike seat and go for rides with my mama or dad. I would also like to tell you all that I no longer am wearing diapers...just undies. I have Bob the builder, tools and Elmo undies...they are very cool! I have started to 'tend' (pretend) a lot! I really like pretending to be a server and take peoples order. I never stop talking and have started to learn how to try and negotiate a bit. My parents and dog, Ruby are doing well too. My dad graduated from CSOL in May. We had a huge celebration for him. He has been very busy studying all day/everyday. He is taking the BAR the last 3 days of July. Please keep your fingers crossed for him. My mom has been hanging out with me. She was working part-time, and loving it, but since we moved she has decided to stay home. Ruby is great too. She pulled me in the pool a few weeks ago, but other than that, she is very chill. Here are a few recent photos... XOXOXO Keep in touch! Lots of love! Cahal McKee