Saturday, December 30, 2006

Oh, the People I Meet . . .

One of the greatest things about being one of the youngest people on the planet, besides the free room & board, personal valet and heiny wiper, has got to be all of the adoring visitors. I'm not sure if I am born to royalty at this point or not, actually judging by the bourgeois dress of the male figure in my life I doubt it, unless he is a serf, but I digress, either way the people seem to love me. All of the fussing, the cooing the "buh buh buh"'s right in my face, it's all thrilling, seriously. And each night as I gear up for several hours of screaming or hard sleep, depending on my whims, do I give these people a thought? Yes. But then the next day comes and it's all starting again with the eating and the everything else and where do I go? Not to the computer to say how much all of the attention matters or how nice all of these people are, but just on with my small, no pun intended, life. Well, before the new year starts, I make this resolution: The people who extend themselves to me will be accounted for in my heart. If I miss someone, let me know. Not a problem. I appreciate all of the love that comes to me in every form. Happy new year everybody. I love you, help me grow.

Go kiss a baby, but wash first.

Some of the people I have met are above;
Patty Finch (Grandma Patty)
Rick & Claudia Trowman (CiCi & Poppy)
Johnny B (Vote for his Super Bowl Ad #9 on
Josh & Chloe & CiCi & Me
Ellen, L'il Joe & Layla & ME!

Friday, December 29, 2006

What a Difference A Day Makes . . .

Dig the "Before" and "After" shots

Oh, Man. Things around here were starting to get rough. Note to expecting parents: Try not to let the garishness of a baby object keep you from shelling out the bucks for it if it is going to keep your sweet little thing happy or, at least, quiet. In my case, I am of course talking about my Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing. I have been gunning for one of these bad boys for almost two weeks. Then I went over to my cousin Chloe's and tried her's out and I was sold. Total swing envy. I don't know what the tall people were thinking trying to keep their house simple and plain. I need to stimulate my brain and SWING, Baby!! I mean I am who I am. Left, right, back, forth, I can do it all. I have my own tunes and nature sounds. Seriously If anyone doesn't have one of these kick ass machines they need to RUN to get one. I didn't mention the best part. Now, between trips to the buffet, I can finally get some sleep. Click on the comments and hit me up people. I have a lot of free time!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merrrrrreeeey Christmas!

Wow. I could stand to have every day wind up like today, to a point. I mean, c'mon, I slept in 'til about 10:00 a.m. and then had a hot breakfast for about an hour. Soon after that, the party started and let me tell you folks, it didn't let up until the 26th! CiCi and Rick, two of my grandparents stopped by, followed by my Uncle Josh, Aunt Amy & Cousin Chloe. There was a lot of noise, I think they were cooking or something, but I got some cool stuff like books, toys and a cardigan sweater! I will admit that I slept through a lot of the fun, but as everyone knows, that's just how I roll. A few things I do remember, however; (1) the surprising collection of dogs that wanted to sniff & lick me, (2) more clothing changes than David Lee Roth in a Van Halen show circa 1979, and (3) pooping on Santa Claus. Yep. I did. Get over it. I might as well talk about it now and put it out there. Mom & Dad took me for a walk and while I was "wow"ing the ladies with my sleep skills, Santa showed up. I never back down from a photo op so I hopped up to please the masses, unfortunately the hopping must have broken something loose and soon after thanking Mr. Claus for his worldwide generosity I blew one out on his leg. My bad.

Enjoy the pics. If the captions don't appear, the dog is my buddy, Ruby, the other "baby" is my cousin Chloe and, of course, the unfortunate recipient of my "butt volcano" is Santa. Catch you later, spread the word, leave a comment.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Getting to know me . . .

I like to sleep. A lot. Unless of course I'm eating which I also love to do. Sometimes I will stare off into the distance and dream of what exists outside the 6-inch realm of my focused sight. There are a lot of sounds and smells. I try tasting everything that I come into contact with in search of Mom, but so often I wind up with a mouthful of shirt, my own hand or just recently my Dad's nose. Yuck. There is also an unidentifiable scent of Fritos that may be coming off the foot structures of the mopey, brownish, furry thing that licks my face and chases something called "squirrels." So far, I like life on the outside. The schedule is easy, and the people all seem genuinely determined to help. I will admit the first night out of the hospital I wasn't sure the people I was with had any idea what they were doing. Anywho, they seem to have a few things figured out and I am looking forward to each morning with the enthusiasm that all will come clear, not just with my vision, but also with how all of this works. For the record, I jumped a massive six ounces at my weigh in today. I was nervous because so many of my friends lost weight right out of the gates, but my eat-sleep-eat-sleep regimine seems to be paying off. Gotta run, I have to, well, you know eat or sleep.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Little Something for the Ladies . . .

Hello. I figured I could be a weight gain inspiration for billions worldwide. Thus, I have decided to post my opening weigh-in on the web so others could chart my progress. My mother will be serving as nutritionist and personal chef and my father will handle coaching. Check back often to view my progress.